The 8th Annual Recovery Advocacy Day will be held Thursday, Februrary 9th (7:20am - 5pm) at Temple Beth Hatfiloh. Registration link can be found below.
Mental Health and addiction advocates from across Washington will meet for the 8th Annual Recovery Advocacy Day on Februrary 9th, 2023, sponsored by the Washington Recovery Alliance, to advocate for recovery support services including recovery housing, recovery coaching, employment support, and community recovery supports, along with other priorities. See additional information at Washington Recovery Alliance. See some of the past Recovery Adovocay Days below!
Thank you for being a part of our AMAZING recovery community and letting your story be the difference.

Participants from Washington Recovery Alliance and Regional Coalitions

Rep. Lauren Davis

William Waters, Rep. Matt Boehnke, Michele Gerber, Alex Young

William Waters, Rep. Brad Klippert, Alex Young

Alex Young, Rep. Skyler Rude, William Waters

Rep. Bill Jenkin, William Waters